Marketing in the Flow - MARKETING in the FLOW - marketing in the flow hero

M.I.T.F. stands for "Marketing in the Flow"

If our marketing is in the Flow, we create better campaigns, we reach the right customers and our businesses thrive. Not being in the Flow brings us paindestruction and despair.

But what is the Flow? Each marketing problem is like a rock, blocking our Flow. So, the formula is simple:

Marketing in the Flow = Marketing Minus Problems.

Using Marketing in the Flow framework (MITFF) provides clarity, structure, efficiency, measurability and dramatically increased chances for success.

The Marketing Flow

The marketing job is hard. We, marketers, work way more than other professionals. We take care of our campaigns during the weekends and respond to requests at nights. We often do 14-16 hour workdays and still love our job.

Leading a marketing team and building a successful marketing department is even harder. We, as Heads of Marketing, face problems and crises on daily basis. To be honest, every hour or so.

On the other hand, marketing is a dynamic creative process. We don’t want to fight with (or over) obstacles every minute. We want inspirationsmooth communication, and customers’ love.

We want to be in the Flow.

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Marketing in the Flow - MARKETING in the FLOW - holistic approach

Holistic Approach

I am taking the marketing problems seriously, because I have faced most of them for the past 18 years. For these years I developed strategic and hands-on omni-channel marketing experience, and I created (after massive amount of trial and error) an uniquestate of the artmethodology for identifying and handling marketing issues, struggles and problems.

I believe in the idea (and I follow this philosophy) that everything is connected to marketing and marketing is connected to everything.

The only efficient approach for solving marketing problems and getting into the Flow is the holistic one.

Comprehensive Framework

The Marketing in the Flow (MITF) methodology implements 14 marketing domains and handles the 6 marketing dynamics. It provides structure and methodology to audit, build, improve and develop all aspects of marketing operations management.

It covers the 14 marketing domains:

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If you want to build a thriving organization, your tream should be united around specific values, beliefs, principles.

They are part of your company culture and philosophy. This is the glue of excellence.

Marketing in the Flow - MARKETING in the FLOW - positioning


How are you going to establish a unique image/identity for your brand in the minds of the customers.

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Services, packages, tangible products… You need to find your product-market fit and improve your product continuously.

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Pricing strategies and tactics for maximizing customer lifetime value and the average order/deal value.

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All your technical and system tools that let your business operate. From the website, to the print materials.

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What content do you use to present your company, brand, products/services? What channels do you spread this content through?

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How do you deliver your products and services to your target markets?

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How do you actively promote your brand, business and products/services?

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Is your team well structured? What does it need to be a hyper-performing star team?

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Do you have a established set of processes and workflows that run your business and allow you to scale?

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What is your strategy and action plan for all the aspects of the business?

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What is the performance and efficiency of each element of your business? How can you optimize it and achieve better results?

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Where are you coming from and where are you going? What are the trends in your core metrics and activities?

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Problems are everywhere and they pop-up in marketing way too often than we would like to admit. You need to keep track on the problem’s pool and solve them in order of magnitude/impact.

Each of the 14 domains covers 6 major elements of marketing operations:


The marketing operations ecosystem of MITF contains 20+ processes that handle all important activities.


Each process is built of several action sequences, called workflows. In MITF we habe 170+ of them.


Each step of the workflows can have a list of steps/operations to be executed. MITF covers that as well.


Your team needs to know which process kick-in when. This is the schedule for.


Templates, forms, checklists, samples, apps, anything you need to execute the processes, workflows and the procedures efficiently is provided by MITF.


Sometimes your team will need some guidance. In this case they can turn to the library of tutorials and guidelines of MITF.

Flexible Implementation Process

I work with different kinds of clients and the MITF process adapts to their specifics. In general, the Flow Roadmap contains the following phases:

Marketing in the Flow - MARKETING in the FLOW - assessment audit

Assessment Audit

I gather information, analyze the data using my 200+ -point marketing operation evaluation checklist. This way I can identify the problems, weaknesses, points of improvement. I analyze against my MITF Framework and I measure the percentage of excellence or the “flow score”.

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Transformation Consulting

I work closely with the client, providing all the know-how and guidance needed. There is a lot of work to be done. In most of the cases, the clients need to make adjustments (or even major changes) in several or all of the 12 domains.

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Implementation Execution

If the client wants it, I am glad to step-in and take over the implementation of the new processes, platforms and team developments. In many cases, I literally inject myself in the client(employer)’s organization and drive the change until successfully completed a.k.a. “Takeover-Implement-Handover” (TIH) routine.

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Measurement, Analysis and Optimization

Of course, everything is being measured, analyzed and optimized. Each of the MITF domains has a specific set of KPIs to measure its performance and based on this data to understand the progress and the trends. Having such valuable knowledge, I will suggest (and implement, if required) optimization steps for better performance, upward trend and more visible progress.

Built-In Measurability and Optimization

Every component within the ‘Marketing in the Flow Framework’ (MITFF) is designed for quantifiable evaluation. For each of the twelve marketing domains, I have established a comprehensive set of trackable metrics, termed the ‘KPIs Matrix’.

Furthermore, this KPIs Matrix has been systematically integrated into each of the five marketing dynamics. This ensures a holistic view, seamlessly merging strategic insights with tactical specifics.

MITFF doesn’t merely deliver results—it offers the tools to precisely measure and assess them.