Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - Fractoonal CMO

Boril Bogoev, Ph.D.

If you are looking for a narrow-minded expert or somebody to run your ads or post on social media, please, ignore me completely. It is not efficient to use a nuclear weapon as a nutcracker. I don’t like inefficiency and I don’t serve it to my clients.

I consider my main role and mission to be driving the businesses forward with efficiency, profitability and growth. I have 18+ years of 360-degree experience in marketing, business and technology – from strategy to hands-on execution.

I can help you accelerate your success, mitigate the risks, and maintain a smooth workflow for 3 to 10 times less cost than hiring a full time Chief Marketing Officer.

I am a Fractional CMO. I don’t just do marketing. I make sure your marketing worksI deal with your marketing gaps (something is missing in your marketing) and issues (something doesn’t work as expected). Now, you can focus on delivering a remarkable value and impact.

My Philosophy

Holistic approach

Everything is marketing and marketing is everything.

Start with the foundations

Set the pillars right from the very beginning.

Unshakeable infrastructure

Build to perform, last and scale.

Leverage people

People are the elephant in the room. Select, train, maintain, develop, lead, inspire.

Grow by upgrading, not by following

Plan, perform, progress, by building on your own achievements, not by comparing to others.

Clients are human

Your clients are your community. They are not just rows and numbers in a spreadsheet.

Exit is secondary

Focus on sustainability, efficiency, profitability and growth. Exit can come, but it is healthier to focus on the business.

Problems, problems

Problems are everywhere and they are not obstacles but stepping stones to perfection. Solve them not in order of appearance but by the magnitude of their impact.

Quick-easy-simple is a trap

There is no significant and meaningful success which is quick, easy and simple. The scam is.

Be professional

Think well. Keep your promises. Stay calm. Do the work with grace and excellence.

Always overdeliver

Go the extra mile.

Enjoy the ride

Achievements and targets help to follow a direction but the only thing you have for granted is the process of doing your business.


As an accomplished marketing professional, my journey has taken me from the sophisticated e-commerce domain of Sofia to the heart of Dubai’s startup landscape.

My last project was steering the ship as the Chief Marketing Officer at Yugen Care by Dr. Gehad in Dubai. Here, I’ve been orchestrating visionary strategies that focus on refining operations, elevating profitability, and catalyzing growth. Every aspect of MarTech platforms and our business model has been under my watchful oversight.

Before this, at Signature Technology, Dubai, I played a pivotal role in reshaping e-commerce strategies. I was at the helm of marketing initiatives for both online auction and multi-seller marketplaces, ensuring the seamless integration of 360-degree marketing communications.

My Bulgarian roots took me back to the e-commerce pinnacle with BFashion. As the Marketing and UX Director, I was entrusted with an expansive portfolio, from MarTech and UX design strategies to a suite of marketing-driven software projects. It was here that I truly honed my expertise in conversion rate optimization and A/B testing activities.

On the academic front, my foundations are deep-seated in technology and business strategy. I earned my Ph.D. in Automated Systems in Online Business Models from the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, preceded by an MSc in Algorithms for Image Recognition and Manipulation from the Technical University of Sofia. My business skills foundations have been set in the College of North-West London where I have mastered secrets of business administration and finances.

But beyond my strategic orientation, what truly sets me apart is my diverse skill set. I pride myself on my multi-industry knowledge, leading teams with empathy and a distinct flair for storytelling, research, and design. Although my linguistic strengths lie in English and my native Bulgarian, I’m also delving into the nuances of Russian.

In this ever-evolving world of marketing, I am committed to driving innovation, leadership, and transformative growth.


If you ask about my core strengths…

Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - marketing acumen

Profound Marketing Acumen

Boasting 18 transformative years in marketing operations, I’ve pioneered integrated marketing communication strategies, automated workflows, lead cultivation, personalization, and conversion optimization.

As a visionary Marketing Manager, Director, and CMO, and an adept consultant, I’ve orchestrated successful launches and spearheaded go-to-market strategies.

My leadership not only mobilizes teams to produce groundbreaking results, but I also architect comprehensive operations infrastructures—processes, SOPs, technology, performance frameworks—and can seamlessly transition to hands-on operational roles when required.

Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - business strategy

Strategic Business Connoisseur

Rooted in over a decade of consulting and backed by a Ph.D. on online business models, my prowess lies in formulating pragmatic, business-centric strategies.

My vast exposure across 10+ diverse industries and mastery in omni-channel marketing fortify my strategic perspectives.

The strategies I prepare are not only up-to-date and practical, but also designed for measurable performance.

When I craft a strategy I am not just preparing a theroetical document, but a 360-degree strategy and tactics implementation framework.

Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - marketing team

Architect of High-Performing Marketing Teams

With a firsthand proficiency in team-building, I sculpt marketing units tailored for success.

I design and enact bespoke operations frameworks and technology infrastructures, ensuring continual team growth, skill enhancement, and peak performance.

Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - global business

Global Business Maestro

Over the past 15 years, my vast international footprint spans businesses and marketing operations across Bulgaria, Central and Eastern Europe, the UK, Afghanistan, UAE, Egypt, and Libya.

This multicultural experience is accentuated by my adeptness in talent acquisition, seamlessly integrating individuals of diverse nationalities and backgrounds.

Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - senior managers

C-Suite Collaborator

My portfolio showcases a wide range of projects that involved intensive collaborations with business moguls, CEOs, and other high-level executives from various industries. These collaborations were not just limited to one-off interactions, but rather were deep and ongoing partnerships that required a great deal of trust, commitment, and strategic alignment.

Delivering incisive analysis and pivotal reports is a key aspect of my service offering. I employ a variety of analytical tools and methodologies to gather data, analyze it, and then synthesize it into meaningful insights and recommendations. These reports often serve as a roadmap for my clients, helping them make informed decisions, optimize their operations, and maximize their returns on investment.

Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - industry agnostic

Industry Agnostic Innovator

My immersion in diverse sectors—spanning FinTech to Telecommunications—equips me with a unique vantage point. This vast industry exposure fuels my capacity to forge innovative cross-sectoral associations.

Here are some of the industries where I have led projects as a CMO or Fractional CMO: FinTech, Fashion, E-commerce, Online Auctions, Real Estate, Toys, Sports Equipment, Telecommunication, System Integration, Coaching and Training, Online Auctions, Online Media, Furniture, Managed Services, with local and international brands/companies.

Professional Paragon

My collaborations are anchored in professionalism, a methodical approach, and data-centric decisions.  My comprehensive experience across all echelons makes partnering with me an effortless and productive endeavor.


Here are some of the companies and organizations that trusted my expertise…

Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - ftc international
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - yugen care
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - storeus
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - bayer
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - dic
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - runners
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - koketna
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - yettel
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - viva credit
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - novatel
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - kidso
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - hippoland
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - running zone
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - avene
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - teodor
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - sitel
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - mebeli videnov
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - mebel valchev
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - rossini
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - podium
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - lucky bansko
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - gc
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - deichmann
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW -


Here’s what others have to say about me and my work…

I would like to express my satisfaction with the marketing management services provided by Boril Bogoev during his engagement with Yugen Care by Dr Gehad. I wanted to take this opportunity to acknowledge his outstanding contributions and the significant impact he made on our organization. Boril's expertise in marketing operations and management brought a remarkable transformation to the marketing team. His strategic thinking and analytical proficiency helped establish a well-defined operational structure, resulting in increased efficiency and data-driven marketing initiatives. Boril's loyalty, professionalism, and commitment to our project were unwavering. He consistently went above and beyond to ensure the successful execution of marketing campaigns, setting a high standard for professionalism and dedication. Furthermore, Boril's creative workflow development and his ability to think outside the box greatly contributed to the success of our marketing initiatives. He guided the team in implementing fresh ideas and leveraging his extensive knowledge of marketing strategies. Boril's noticeable leadership skills were evident in his ability to drive collaboration and build a smooth working team. In addition, Boril played a crucial role in restructuring our marketing technology platform, leveraging modern tools and technologies to streamline our operations and enhance data analysis capabilities. This revamp empowered us to make informed decisions based on accurate insights. Based on my experience working with Boril, I highly recommend him as a consultant for future projects. His professionalism, expertise, and data-driven approach make him an invaluable asset to any team or organization.
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - dr gehad
Dr Gehad Masri
Founder and CEO of Yugen Care by Dr Gehad
I have worked closely with Boril on our project together and what stood up to me was his amazing ability to have outstanding structured communication with everybody while being a take-charge person who is able to present creative ideas and communicate the benefits. During our work together I have seen many examples of his professionalism and have long been impressed by his diligence and work ethic. Boril' s proactive manner allows him to oversee a project and remove blockers while keeping things running smoothly while consistently maintaining high standards of quality and value. I recommend Boril to those who want to find themselves in a partnership with a knowledgeable partner with a vision who makes no compromises when it comes to an inspiring delivery.
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - vlad penev
Vlad Penev
Product Consultant & Strategy Partner
During our cooperation, I found Boril to be entrepreneurial, disciplined, creative, knowledgeable and persistent. His positive attitude and high energy was highly appreciated especially during the time of setting up new processes in place as his drive never stopped. He always finds a time for his team members to go into the details of assigned tasks and make sure, all of us are in same page and we work for same goal. And to highlight, Boril is extremely loyal and you can count on his support any time! It’s truly a pleasure to work with him and I believe, he would be a great addition to any organization.
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - martina friedrichova
Martina O’Gorman (Friedrichova)
Marketing Director at Lyreco Central Europe
Boril Bogoev, Ph.D. - MARKETING in the FLOW - inspiration


Some quotes which drive me forward…

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness

That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small

Does not serve the world.

There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking

So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,

As children do.

We were born to make manifest

The glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us;

It’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we’re liberated from our own fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others.

― Marianne Williamson

Dare Mighty Things

It is not the critic who counts; nor the one who points out how the strong person stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better.

The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually strive to do deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotion, spends oneself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he or she fails, at least fails while daring greatly.

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.

― Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States


Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

― William Ernest Henley